Community // Circle of Safe Workshops

Circle of Safe is a community that supports people who identify as female in their healing journey through nature. We offer a workshop every season, where you will be immersed in creating an installation from materials foraged by the group and brought in from local farms. These installations will be a communal expression of the healing focus of the group. The focus of these workshops is to allow each person to process their intended work through the group & establish community.

Being clean & sober is a requirement for these workshops and we ask that you commit to not using substances of any kind (including pot & alcohol) for 1 day prior to the workshop. These workshops are a commitment of self to embodied healing.  As a sober person, I believe that being sober through this process allows for the deepest connection to self and healing. If you cannot commit to this, our workshops are not a fit for you. If think you have a problem and cannot attain this goal, please reach out to us and we will provide you with supportive resources.

Workshops are held in Washington and locations depend on the season. We are available for travel if you’d like us to bring one to your organization or private group. Please email us here to inquire.

During the workshop dance movement, yoga, herbs and Reiki will be incorporated to create a safe grounded space to process.  After you sign up you will be sent a list of what to bring and how to take care of yourself before you arrive.  All meals will be provided.

Email mail me here with questions

To be added to our email newsletter and to find out about our seasonal workshops, please sign up below! I hope you choose to heal with me through nature.